What causes superficial blood vessels?
UV radiation, rosacea, smoking, cortisone medication and hereditary factors predispose to superficial blood vessel changes of the face.
How are superficial blood vessels treated?
Superficial blood vessels are removed with a vascular laser. The KTP laser heats the haemoglobin of the blood vessels and causes the vessel structures to break down. The body’s immune system removes the broken down vessel structures within a couple of weeks. KTP laser can be used to treat thin red capillaries. Blue vessels can be treated with nd:YAG laser, but treatment of blue vessels involves risk of scarring.
Is there treatment for evenly red cheeks?
IPL light therapy devices are used to treat the even, wide-scale redness of cheeks. Possible individual blood vessels can be treated during the same treatment session with a KTP laser. The treatment may also slightly reduce the tendency for the face to flush.
How many treatments are needed?
Depending on the initial situation and the objective, 1-3 treatment sessions are usually needed.
Does the laser treatment of superficial blood vessels hurt?
Laser treatment can be felt as a burning, sting-like pain. The pain is not intense, and it is short-term. Local anaesthetics are usually not used to treat superficial blood vessels because anaesthetics constrict blood vessels and weaken the efficiency of laser treatment.
What are the after-care instructions?
After treatment, redness and swelling of the skin can be present for 3-5 days. Minor blistering may also develop on the skin. The skin can be washed as usual, but abrasion is avoided. The sauna is also avoided for a couple of days. We recommend that an SPF50+ sunscreen lotion is used for 1-2 months. The final treatment results are visible in 1-2 weeks. If necessary, the treatment is repeated in 3-4 weeks.
How do I access treatment?
An appointment is booked with a dermatologist. The treatment might be possible to be carried out already during the first appointment, but a separate appointment is usually booked for the actual treatment. No makeup should be worn to the treatment appointment, and the skin should not be tanned or have signs of inflammation.

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